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I’ve always found this question a bit odd—especially when it’s meant to assess our boat-building credentials. Just because someone rows doesn’t mean they can build a boat any more than driving a car makes someone a mechanic. If I needed a surgeon, I wouldn’t start Googling patients with the same condition, assuming that having suffered through an illness makes someone the best specialist. Expertise isn’t about simply experiencing something—it’s about mastering the craft.That said...

March 10, 2025


The most frequently asked question during our factory visits—which, by the way, we highly recommend (think part scientific factory tour, part stand-up comedy show, if I say so myself)—is:“Why New Zealand?”Why move to the other side of the world when we could have picked anywhere?Well, the answer is simple, albeit somewhat surprising: We moved to New Zealand because of a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.I love telling this story how one night in Budapest, I went to a wine tasting, had a sip of Ma...

March 6, 2025

Agent Eric Murray


September 28, 2017

Waikato Business News Cover Story


August 28, 2017

Christmas in Gizzy


December 24, 2016

Karapiro Club Regatta 2016


December 23, 2016

Laszlo Boats Wins Waipa Business Award

It is such an honour, and no small thrill, that Laszlo Boats NZ was recognised by the Waipa business community last night at the Waipa Business Awards gala....

August 20, 2016

Cambridge Wins Champion Murals

Cambridge, the town of champions, is about to celebrate with a series of murals the beauty of its sporting excellence. Following from and expanding upon the Cambridge Art Trail, this project aims to emphasise rowing's significance for Cambridge in the build-up to the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Collaborating with local businesses and high-performance athletes, these murals will honour rowing sport at Lake Karapiro, starting a tradition in which local businesses embrace our rowing heritage through ...

June 1, 2016

The Art of Rowing Exhibition

An exhibition of rowing-themed fine art, photography, and furniture will take place this Saturday, 7 May, from 4 pm in the main building of the historic Matangi Factory site as part of the build-up to this year's Rio Olympics. The Art of Rowing Exhibition is a unique initiative that aims to bring people who are passionate about fine art and people who are passionate about rowing together to help raise awareness of the correlation between creativity and athletic endeavour and to express the ro...

May 7, 2016

The Art of Rowing Exhibition | Invitation


May 6, 2016

Update for the Rowing Community

The official announcement can be find on the Rowing New Zealand website click here Laszlo Boats New Zealand has released the following statement regarding the recent purchase of KIRS: "As you may know, KIRS has gone into receivership and long-time KIRS boatbuilder Laszlo Kertesz has purchased it. We will be continuing to trade under the name of Laszlo Boats New Zealand and intend to honour any commitments that the former ownership has made in regard to boats now under construction. Although ...

November 5, 2015 Posts 1-11 of 11 | Page

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