March 10, 2025
I’ve always found this question a bit odd—especially when it’s meant to assess our boat-building credentials. Just because someone rows doesn’t mean they can build a boat any more than driving a car makes someone a mechanic. If I needed a surgeon, I wouldn’t start ...
Agent Eric Murray
September 28, 2017
Waikato Business News Cover Story
August 28, 2017
Karapiro Club Regatta 2016
December 23, 2016
Cambridge Wins Champion Murals
June 1, 2016
Cambridge, the town of champions, is about to celebrate with a series of murals the beauty of its sporting excellence.
Following from and expanding upon the Cambridge Art Trail, this project aims to emphasise rowing's significance for Cambridge in the build-up to the 2016 ...
The Art of Rowing Exhibition
May 7, 2016
An exhibition of rowing-themed fine art, photography, and furniture will take place this Saturday, 7 May, from 4 pm in the main building of the historic Matangi Factory site as part of the build-up to this year's Rio Olympics.
The Art of Rowing Exhibition is a unique init...
Update for the Rowing Community
November 5, 2015
The official announcement can be find on the Rowing New Zealand website click here
Laszlo Boats New Zealand has released the following statement regarding the recent purchase of KIRS:
"As you may know, KIRS has gone into receivership and long-time KIRS boatbuilder Laszlo ...
Laszlo Boats NZrowingNew ZealandRowing New ZealandRowing boat buildingartskillsupporttalent#laszloboatsnz #newzealand #newzealandmade #rowingartistathleteAthlete Friendly NetworkAustraliaBruce McLachlanBudapestBajaBusiness AwardsCambridgeChristmasdesignEric MurrayExcellencefactoryGisborneJames BondKarapiro Christmas RegattakayakingKIRSLaszlo TeampaintingPress ReleaseRouge CafeSpecial AgentsurfingSydney RowingThe Kiwi PairVera BucsuWaikato Business NewsWaipaWin