Laszlo Boats Wins Waipa Business Award
August 20, 2016
It is such an honour, and no small thrill, that Laszlo Boats NZ was recognised by the Waipa business community last night at the Waipa Business Awards gala....
Laszlo Boats NZrowingNew ZealandRowing New ZealandRowing boat buildingartskillsupporttalent#laszloboatsnz #newzealand #newzealandmade #rowingartistathleteAthlete Friendly NetworkAustraliaBruce McLachlanBudapestBajaBusiness AwardsCambridgeChristmasdesignEric MurrayExcellencefactoryGisborneJames BondKarapiro Christmas RegattakayakingKIRSLaszlo TeampaintingPress ReleaseRouge CafeSpecial AgentsurfingSydney RowingThe Kiwi PairVera BucsuWaikato Business NewsWaipaWin